CEO, Managing Director & Build38 Founder

Building Build38

Dr. Christian Schläger – you might know him as Dr. Christian Schlaeger – hits mobile security with handpicked business relations and a truly global perspective on mobile security with tons of experience. His PhD is not a medical titel or just an academic honour, some say it is short for: disruptive thinking. Christian is usually thinking three steps ahead. His answers are as quick as his sense of humour. With his independant mind, his stoicism and his sense for corporate development he managed to gather a team and a vision. Anybody who is in for Build38 is in it because of Christian. The team around him is handpicked and it did not even take him too long to convince everybody to quit their established career and start up new to work even harder. Being the founder of Build38 Christian is CEO of Build38 Germany, Iberia and Singapore and Managing Director of Build38 Germany.

Christian is not your typical bold and adventurous startup guy. He is a family man. His safe heaven is well hidden amongst his two daughters and his wife. Along with his secrets of success, this is where he feels safe. Not too long ago, he would not have thought himself, that his career would take a turn on founding a company at the age of 40. His education on business Information systems in southern Germany and his impressive path within the most established consulting companies of the country already took him, where he wanted to be: ahead of mobile security. Now, that one familiar niche product has shown more power than any other before, his decision was only logical: found a company, commit a team, shape tomorrow before someone else does. Build mobile security to build on. In the best 3 countries to do so. With the best 8 people to start.

Mobile Security is part of Business Intelligence. That’s why it is invisible.

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